

The following is a selection of resources, programs, and organizations for whole-institution climate action planning and implementation.

Sidney Howlett Consulting

Sidney, co-author of this 2023 Review, specialize in advancing climate action in and through public education. She offers personalized consulting on the development of school board climate action and sustainability plans and policies and supports capacity building through professional development sessions and speaking engagements to students, teachers, and administrators.

Sidney’s website features a suite of resources for developing holistic climate action and sustainability plans organized by themes, including: transportation, policies, school grounds & equipment, waste & food services, climate emotions, curriculum and learning, and energy.

School Trustees Handbook: Climate Action

The School Trustees Handbook on Climate Action is a comprehensive toolkit published by the Climate Caucus and developed in collaboration with local elected leaders. This handbook compiles practical solutions, strategies, best practices, and resources for actions school trustees can undertake in their strategic planning and facilities operations.

The Handbook is a living document, adding successful policies and initiatives as they happen, and providing an up-to-date, real-time guide to the change being driven by the School Trustee Chapter Members of the Climate Caucus from coast to coast to coast.

School Board Member Climate Action Toolkit

An American, open-source toolkit to support K-12 school board leaders in advancing climate action in their school boards. Developed by UndauntedK12, School Board Partners, and This is Planet Ed, it outlines the role of leadership, provides sample commitments and policies, and has one-page briefings on topics such as Climate Mitigation in Schools and Addressing Pushback & Inaccuracies.

Sustainable Schools by the Climate Challenge Network

Sustainable Schools works with school boards across Canada to build the knowledge and practice of energy efficiency in schools. They host webinars, develop resources and produce an annual Top Energy Performing School Boards Report for Ontario.

Sustainability Solutions Group

The Sustainability Solutions Group (SSG) works with governments, campuses, and institutions to address their climate planning challenges. They strive to build decarbonized, equitable, healthy communities for everyone.

They have experience supporting school boards in Canada, for example they completed the Vancouver School Board Environmental Sustainability Audit.

The Climate Action Accelerator Program (CAAP) by

The Climate Action Accelerator Program was launched in 2021 as a pilot program to catalyze climate action in and through elementary and secondary schools. The program supports intergenerational school teams to create and begin implementing a bold and hopeful whole-school climate action plan through training, resources, mentorship and networking. is hosting a sharing Listening and Learning Tour for public schools and public school boards over the next several weeks. They will be joined by other not-for-profit collaborators serving the K-12 sector who want to accelerate climate action in schools and districts across the country.

Participants will be invited to share their insights about the needs, challenges and opportunities facing public school districts in creating strategic, system-wide climate action plans. There will be time to highlight lessons from the CAAP pilot, and for Q&A. All sessions will be virtual. They will publish a summary of the learning from this tour later this winter. 

There are many resources which have been generated through the CAAP pilot which are available for free on the website. 

This review is a living document, which will be updated annually.

If you have updated information to share about climate leadership in a Canadian school board, please complete this form!